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FOUNDATION ART (Adult Beginners to Intermediate)

Rekindling your first love - ART!

Are you interested in creativity but don't know where to start? 

Do you struggle to find creative time but love it when you finally do? 

Do you wish you had some guidance from a qualified and experienced teacher? 

I hear it so often, and I get it! 

WHEN: Monday's 10:30am-12:30pm (10 weeks through the school term, 2-hours weekly.)

Starting July 25th, 2022

Register and Inquire HERE!

Mastering art is like mastering a musical instrument. You need time set aside 'you-time' to practise and enjoy. I developed my Foundation Art Course (Adults), as a weekly practice, both online and face-to face for beginners and intermediate creatives wishing to rekindle their love of art. Foundation Art has a strong drawing base which takes you through experimenting with materials and understanding the crucial Elements of Art and the Principles of Design so you can be better informed in decision making within your own art. Through detailed instructions, demonstrations and practical art making you will enhance your creative confidence, observational skills and develop your unique technical skills. 

Foundation Art  covers a lot of basics and reinstates confidence with a lot of fun 'ah-ha' moments and a wonderful outlet for those wishing to dabble or to fully submerge themselves back into their art practise. We take baby steps until you're ready to take the leap! You will create an amazing sketchbook to record all of your ideas, sketches, swatches and 

ARTS INC. introductory kits and are available upon registration and you will be encouraged to eventually build upon your own art supplies. Gather the basics like graphite pencils, water soluble coloured pencils, brushes, water colours, oil pastels which are all basic materials to get you started. You can begin with whatever materials you have lying around, let's use those all up before they dry out and expire, and I can guide and advise you on the tried and tested materials that I prefer to use for everyday success!

Students enjoy the Foundation Art class because they are gently encouraged to step outside their comfort zone, try new techniques and mediums in a non-threatening atmosphere, and very quickly build upon previously learned skills, to achieve that accomplished feeling of being part of the art!


We started online Zoom School classes early 2020 (ongoing), due to the COVID-19 pandemic as a necessity to reach my relocated and displaced students situated globally in the US, UK, China, Canada, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Australia and New Zealand.

What we thought would be temporary lasted all of 2020, into 2021, ongoing in 2022 and beyond. Art has kept many people focussing on the positive feelings creativity brings, rather the negativity of isolation, loss, decline in mental health, lockdown, separation from loved ones and travel restrictions and bans. 

Purchase one 10-week term block, or bundle the whole school-based year and save.

Register your inquiry below by completing your name, email and class name, and I will return your email as early as possible.

Please check your Junk Email if you cannot find the reply email.

Paula xoxo

Your Name*

Email Address*


How may we help you?*

Art Classes & Courses

School Holiday Art Camp Inquiry

PREVIEW Schedule


All of our classes during the pandemic 2020 went online & will continue online, unless you're located in Fremantle or Perth Districts Western Australia. 

Ten years from now you will be more disappointed in the things you didn't do, rather than the things you did! P.McM.P.

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